• 1646

Mugwort Seeds

Get your mugwort seeds from Kitazawa Seed Company...



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Replies (5)
    • Aloha Jason, 

      I’m not sure if Japanese Mugwort is the same as Artemisia vulgaris, which is what I found after checking the literature for the desired variety.  I got on Amazon. 
      $8:97 for 100 s
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      • Aloha Jason, 

        I’m not sure if Japanese Mugwort is the same as Artemisia vulgaris, which is what I found after checking the literature for the desired variety.  I got on Amazon. 
        $8:97 for 100 s
        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Aloha Jason, 

          I’m not sure if Japanese Mugwort is the same as Artemisia vulgaris, which is what I found after checking the literature for the desired variety.  I got on Amazon. 
          $8:97 for 100 s

          Master Cho says that any variety will work, including the one that grows wild here on the Big Island, but having more options for seed procurement is awesome - mahalo.

          0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Aloha Jason, 

          I’m not sure if Japanese Mugwort is the same as Artemisia vulgaris, which is what I found after checking the literature for the desired variety.  I got on Amazon. 
          $8:97 for 100 seeds.
          0 0 0 0 0 0
          • Master Cho says that any mugwort may be used, including the one that grows wild here on the Big Island.

            Likewise, this applies to Angelica for OHN as well. Angelica acutiloba is best practice, but any Angelica may be used, which is an acceptable practice. 

            Having more options for seed procurement is awesome! Mahalo!

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